Inspirational Word for 2019
VERB - achieve or complete
I’m a person who loves to
start projects. I come up with some
great ideas and jump on it with the excitement of a child on Christmas
morning. I buy the paint and the paint
brushes, the fabric and the patterns. I
envision how great the results will be.
Unfortunately I’m a stress worker.
I lose my motivation until it becomes a crisis. Things like trying to lose weight a month
before I leave for vacation or decorating, painting and minor remodels to my
house before a family party. It can be
stressful and in the end it doesn’t make me feel like I’ve “accomplished”
anything. It’s almost as if I realize
that I can accomplish it so it’s not worth finishing. I celebrate the win before winning!
This year I’ve decided that
the word Accomplish will be my motivational word. It’s going to do two things for me. First it will make me think through the
project from start to finish. Second it
will make me NOT start something I’m not willing to finish. An example is if I buy that old dresser with
the intent to paint it then I must hold myself to finishing the project or not
buy the darn dresser. I use this example because I have an OLD metal
dresser from over a year ago waiting to be painted. It’s getting painted this year.
Diet and Exercise is a big
one! I started and stopped at least ten
times in 2018. In January of 2018 I
planned to lose all of my weight by my next sales meeting which is a week and ½
away. I even bought a goal dress. Well that didn’t work. So now I’ll set some small achievable goals
and focus on my word.
Finally this little blog needs
more attention. I think that before and
after pics will help move me towards accomplishing a goal. The best place to document is here and
Happy New Year!